Radha presents at Technology Conference and Expo
/Radha presents Developing Mobile Apps for State Government at the 2015 Technology Conference and Expo.
Users increasingly expect to be able to do virtually everything on a mobile device that they can do on a laptop, if not more. However, mobile app development is still in its infancy stages in state government. While of the government-to-consumer devices can be delivered via a mobile device, several items need to be considered first including security, native app vs. mobile web or hybrid, cross platform compatibility, development approach and ongoing support. Radha will explore the current mobile landscape within state government agencies as well as provide best practices, guidelines and approaches when developing mobile apps for state government.
Email raj@radhacorp.com for a copy of this presentation or for additional information on this topic.
Radha is a national technology firm that assist state agencies with strategy, mobile solutions and systems integration efforts. Our consultants range in expertise from strategists and business analysts to mobile software engineers. Radha works with both business and technology teams to develop pragmatic and innovative solutions for our clients. Radha is a privately owned company and is headquartered in Portland Oregon. For additional information, please visit www.radhacorp.com