Radha awarded Master Contract for IT Services from State of Montana

Radha Consulting, an national management, strategy and systems integration firm, announced today that it has been awarded the Master Contract for IT Services from the State of Montana. 

This deliverable based contract allows various agencies within the State to procure Radha’s services in the categories of Business Process Management, Distributed Application Systems, Internet, Intranet and eGovernment Services and Project Management Services. 


Radha is a national consulting firm that assist state agencies with business process analysis, mobile solutions and systems integration efforts. Our consultants range in expertise from strategists and business analysts to mobile software engineers. Radha works with both business and technology teams to develop pragmatic and innovative solutions for our clients. Radha is a privately owned company and is headquartered in Portland Oregon. For additional information, please visit www.radhaconsulting.com


Radha awarded business process analysis contract from Nebraska Department of Labor

Radha Consulting, an national management, strategy and systems integration firm, announced today that Nebraska Department of Labor has selected Radha to conduct a business process analysis of the Unemployment Insurance Division to reduce improper payment, identify process improvements and improve customer service.  This engagement will review and analyze people, business process and technology surrounding the Unemployment Insurance Claim process 

The Nebraska Dept. of Labor (NDOL) during FY 2010-2011, continued to administer two unemployment insurance programs: (1) the permanent state program and; (2) the temporary Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC08) program (a four tiered program) to provide benefits to workers who have exhausted state unemployment insurance benefits. For FY 2010-2011 NDOL processed $285,432,539 in benefit payments of which $168,086,251 were regular UI benefit payments and $117,346,288 were EUC08 payments (funded by the federal government).

UIPL # 19-11 SBR for reducing improper payment impacts 20+ states including Nebraska

UIPL # 19-11 SBR for reducing improper payment impacts 20+ states including Nebraska

While the unemployment rate has dropped in Nebraska to 4.3%, the overpayment amount was at $6 million dollars thus increasing the improper payment rate to 16%. There is a strong emphasis both from the U.S. Dept. of Labor and NDOL to reduce overpayments and maintain program integrity. NDOL in collaboration with Radha will conduct a business process analysis effort to identify areas of concern within the Unemployment Insurance claims process and support best practices in the UI Benefits Payment Program. 


Radha is a national consulting firm that assist state agencies with business process analysis, mobile solutions and systems integration efforts. Our consultants range in expertise from strategists and business analysts to mobile software engineers. Radha works with both business and technology teams to develop pragmatic and innovative solutions for our clients. Radha is a privately owned company and is headquartered in Portland Oregon. For additional information, please visit www.radhaconsulting.com


Radha awarded contract from Cover Oregon to support the Health Insurance Exchange

Radha Consulting, an national management, strategy and systems integration firm, announced today that Cover Oregon has selected Radha to assist in the identification, requirements definition,  business analysis and process architecture for the Health Insurance Exchange Project. Radha will be supporting the analysis and design of the Eligibility and Enrollment, Plan Management, Financial Management, Customer Service, Oversight and Reporting and Communications modules. 

For small businesses, citizens shopping for insurance coverage, and health insurance carriers, the Exchange will provide a market place for a variety of insurance options and access to federal insurance premium tax credits The Exchange will provide its customers with seamless access to information, financial assistance and easy health insurance enrollment. Oregon is one of the first states to deploy the Health Insurance Exchange. 

The essential underpinning of a successful Exchange is a robust and agile information technology infrastructure that support the business needs and policy goals of the federal-state partnership as embodied in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and must be shareable with other states. 


Radha is a national consulting firm that assist state agencies with business process analysis, mobile solutions and systems integration efforts. Our consultants range in expertise from strategists and business analysts to mobile software engineers. Radha works with both business and technology teams to develop pragmatic and innovative solutions for our clients. Radha is a privately owned company and is headquartered in Portland Oregon. For additional information, please visit www.radhaconsulting.com


Radha awarded process improvement contract from South Carolina Employment and Workforce

Radha Consulting, an national management, strategy and systems integration firm, announced today South Carolina Employment and Workforce (SCDEW) has selected Radha to conduct a process improvement analysis consisting of a comprehensive analysis of the UI benefits system starting at the initial claims process. Recommendations from how to improve areas of weaknesses to how to improve the overall process and program performance will be delivered as part of the engagement.

The South Carolina Department of Employment and Workforce (DEW) is responsible for paying unemployment insurance benefits, collecting unemployment taxes, helping people find jobs, matching businesses with qualified candidates, and collecting and disseminating state/federal employment statistics. DEW, one of 16 cabinet agencies, is a partner in the state’s workforce system. This includes SC Works centers, satellite offices and Connection Points in 12 local workforce investment areas, where DEW and its partners provide services to meet the needs of the state’s businesses, jobseekers and those looking to further their careers.


Radha is a national consulting firm that assist state agencies with business process analysis, mobile solutions and systems integration efforts. Our consultants range in expertise from strategists and business analysts to mobile software engineers. Radha works with both business and technology teams to develop pragmatic and innovative solutions for our clients. Radha is a privately owned company and is headquartered in Portland Oregon. For additional information, please visit www.radhaconsulting.com