Radha awarded contract from South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks to assess, design and develop aquatics system

Radha was awarded a contract from the South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks to conduct a needs assessment to help guide the design and construction of a comprehensive system to house, analyze, and disseminate aquatics information. The current data storage, analysis and dissemination system is handled on an office by office basis which leads to a lack of standardization in how data is managed. 

This contract will provide requirements and guidance on the best approach to building a comprehensive system to accomplish the consolidated data management goals. The next phase of this effort will include developing the system based on current and future requirements.  

The purpose of the Department of Game, Fish and Parks is to perpetuate, conserve, manage, protect, and enhance South Dakota's wildlife resources, parks, and outdoor recreational opportunities for the use, benefit, and enjoyment of the people of the state and its visitors, and to give the highest priority to the welfare of this state's wildlife and parks, and their environment, in planning and decisions. The Division of Wildlife manages South Dakota's wildlife and fisheries resources and their associated habitats for their sustained and equitable use, and for the benefit, welfare and enjoyment of the citizens of the state and its visitors.



Radha is a national consulting firm that assist state agencies with business process analysis, mobile solutions and systems integration efforts. Our consultants range in expertise from strategists and business analysts to mobile software engineers. Radha works with both business and technology teams to develop pragmatic and innovative solutions for our clients. Radha is a privately owned company and is headquartered in Portland Oregon. For additional information, please visit www.radhaconsulting.com